I have to apologize. I have been terrible about getting back to people and have finally shrunk my tutoring hours to be more manageable. In November of last year I took a substitute job that was supposed to be relatively limited. If you are following the news at all, you know that teaching right now is in a bit (no, a big) crisis. I immediately got assigned to take over a class where a teacher had quit. What I thought would be an 8-4 position has become a full scale teaching job with 130 students.
To the parents who have reached out in the last few months looking for tutoring, I am really sorry. I've been just drowning in work getting up to speed teaching 8th grade Literacy. I'm trying to keep up with the few long term families I tutor for right now but I just can't take on new clients.
This has been a boon for me financially but as almost every teacher in the country will tell you, it ain't much fun. I will be more available come June. And I am definitely hesitating over whether to continue teaching next year. This whole thing is hard.
